Bespoke lighting
Whether you run your own small restaurant or bed and breakfast or you are the buyer for a multinational hotel chain, one thing that is certain is that the company's identity is very important. Every business is unique and every business person has ideas on how their company should be represented. At Lightahome we understand this which is why we have gathered together a collection of bespoke lighting products that can be adjusted to suit your companies design needs. Each product within these ranges can be changed to suit your requirements from the dimensions to the colour. Products with material shades can be manufactured in a variety of colours and linings and metal products can be finished in various choices. Most of the bespoke lighting products on these pages can be adjusted on screen whilst ordering however feel free to call us on 024 7671 7043 to discuss any changes you might require. Nothing is out of the question and we will try to accommodate any changes to create the perfect lighting that your company deserves.
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