What is double insulated lighting?
What is double insulated lighting?
Double insulated lighting is a specialist form of lighting for homes without an earth connection. Homes typically built before the mid-1960s only tended to have a live and neutral connection without an earth connection for safety. Although not exclusive to this age of building a vast number of older houses are still like this. Double insulated lights have been designed and manufactured in such a way that if a fault occurred within the light itself it would remain safe, keeping you from harm. Double insulated lights are a requirement under the latest wiring regulations and electricians legally are obliged to install only this type of light when an earth connection is not present. An earth connection usually has a green and yellow sleeving covering it to help you identify it. Often an electrician will remove an old light, discover there is no earth & then not be able to either refit your original light or the new light you may have purchased! In this instance a double insulated light is required.
Lightahome have specialised in double insulated lighting for over 20 years and are at the forefront of the industry. Originally selling through our double-insulated-lighting.co.uk website, we have since moved the range within the Lightahome brand.
Double insulated lights look exactly the same as normal lighting. The major difference is the wiring inside which is manufactured in such a way to stop any loose or faulty wires from touching the shell of the product. For this reason, double insulated lighting can be made of metal which is perfectly normal. If your electrician queries this he can be reassured by the latest wiring regulations which were created hand in hand with the lighting industry.
Double insulated lights are sometimes referred to as class 2 lighting which means exactly the same thing. Several products around the home are often described as class 2 from televisions to kitchen appliances. A class 2 double insulated light can always be identified by a small ‘square with a square’ symbol found on the products silver manufacturers’ sticker (normally found on the back of the light). This symbol reassures you that an earth connection is not required for this particular light. If you have any worries or questions about double insulated lighting then feel free to call or email us. Lightahome are the UK’s premier double insulated lighting experts & stockists and we would be more than happy to help. You can telephone us on 024 7671 7043 or e-mail us on info@lightahome.net